#SheCan Skill Development Program for rural women

"SheCan" is an empowering skill development and training program initiated by Sparsh, with a primary focus on rural women. The program is designed to equip women with relevant knowledge and skills, enabling them to establish small-scale ventures. The overarching goal of SheCan is to empower women by providing them with opportunities for personal and financial growth.

The program encompasses various skill development initiatives, including but not limited to:

Stitching: Women are trained in the art of stitching and garment making. This skill not only enhances their creative abilities but also opens up avenues for them to contribute to their family income through sewing and tailoring services.

Agarbatti Making:

SheCan offers training in the creation of agarbattis (incense sticks). This skill is not only traditional but also provides women with the means to produce and sell a widely used product, thereby generating income for themselves and their families.


The program includes training in various handicraft techniques. This can range from traditional crafts to modern artistic endeavors. The goal is to harness the creativity of women, allowing them to create unique and marketable handicrafts.

Entrepreneurship Training:

SheCan goes beyond imparting specific skills and also provides entrepreneurship training. Women learn about business management, financial literacy, and marketing strategies, empowering them to run their ventures successfully.

By offering these skill development programs, SheCan aims to break barriers and create opportunities for rural women. The initiative not only enhances their employability but also instills confidence and self-reliance. The women who participate in SheCan are not just learners; they become entrepreneurs, contributing actively to their families and communities.

Through SheCan, Sparsh is making a tangible impact on the lives of these women, fostering economic independence and resilience. The program serves as a beacon of hope, encouraging women to dream big, acquire skills, and build a sustainable future for themselves and their families.


Skill Development